Anatomical Quiz
How well do you know your anatomy?
Fill in the spaces below with a part of the anatomy
Use the TAB key to move to next item, and Shift TAB to move back.

1. The

of a needle.

2. It was simply a

of contention.

3. The

of the matter.

4. She needs a

of lettuce.

5. They came to the

of a river.

6. We're on the last

of our journey.

7. The

of a shoe.

8. The

of an essay.

9. The

of the woods.

10. A

-nail sketch.

11. Vent one's

12. A

tickling joke.

13. He's wet behind the

14. Get it off your

15. He gave her the cold

16. Take it on the

17. My


18. He has a strong

-jerk reaction.

19. A little

grease will do it.

20. They just gave


21. Who's going to

the bill?

22. You must learn to

the line.

23. He made a clean

of things.

24. He was weak and had to


25. She had a

in the closet.

Check your answers here
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