All pictures are copyrighted © by the artist, Sandra Van Raay |
Isaiah 43:4 | AS THEFATHER LOVES ME." JOHN, 15:9 JESUS, MY FRIEND Jesus, you are my friend, I can trust in You. You listen to all my prayers, You know what I think and do. Jesus, You are my friend, Sent down by God above. You help me in my needs, You fill me with Your Love. In the Bible it says: "Many blessings are given those who trust in the Lord." Psalm 40:4 YOU CAN TRUST JESUS ALWAYS ... An easy prayer you can say each day ... JESUS, I TRUST IN YOUR LOVE FOR ME! |
In the Bible it says: "We are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ." Galatians 3:27 He asks us to "LOVE ONE ANOTHER." Prayer God of all nations, Teach me to be, Loving and kind To all those I see. Each person on earth Is FAMILY to you, Wherever they come from, Whatever they do. Amen We pray for everyone in God's family when we say the OUR FATHER Please say it every day ... Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us ourtrespasses as we forgive those who trespassagainst us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen |
For all of God's words are right and everything he does is worthy of our trust Psalm 33:4 THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD God wanted to teach His children about His love and how they could get to heaven, so He sent Jesus to earth to tell us. The words of Jesus are words from God and they are written down in the Bible. Jesus said: "Blessed are all those who hear the word of God and do it." Luke 24:35... "Heaven and earth will disappear but My words will remain forever." Matt 24:35... "If anyone loves Me he will keep my word." John 14:23 READ THE BIBLE ... Jesus is God's Holy Word, Come down from Heaven to be heard. These words are written down for you, So you will know His message true. The Bible holds the truth you see, Of God's great love for you and me. The stories tell us how to live, The way to love and to forgive. |
The angel said... "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and your child will be holy and will be called The Son of God." Luke 1:35 You are to name Him "Jesus"Luke 1:31 MARY SAID "YES" God trusted Mary with his only Son He chose her above all... And Mary said "Yes" with a loving heart When she heard the angel's call. Jesus our king was her baby child She cared for him through the years. She's our mother too, she'll stay by our side. To keep away all of our fears. Mary is the Mother God and she loves us. Ask her to pray for you by saying the Hail Mary every day. | Luke 1:28 |
WHAT CAN I GIVE HIM, POOR AS I? IF I WERE A SHEPHERD, I'D BRING HIM A LAMB. IF I WERE A WISE MAN, I'D DO MY PART. BUT WHAT CAN I GIVE HIM?... I'LL GIVE HIM MY HEART.. "BE WISE .... LOVE JESUS" When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and adored him. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. from Mt 2:9-11 |
all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all Praise God forever! How He must rejoice in all His works! Psalm 104 (33) "GOD SAW ALL THAT HE HAD MADE AND IT WAS VERY GOOD." GENESIS 1(31) ALL CREATION ... BLESS THE LORD Sun and moon, bless the Lord. Mountain and hills, bless the Lord. Seas and rivers, bless the Lord. CHORUS Bless the Lord all you works of the Lord, Praise him, exalt him forever. Fire and heat, bless the Lord. Cold and chill, bless the Lord. Storms and winds, bless the Lord. REPEAT CHORUS Nights and days, bless the Lord. Stars of heaven, bless the Lord. Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord. REPEAT CHORUS Author.. Pat U Howard Inspired by Psalm 8 & Psalm 104 Can you make up your own verses? |
The Act of Contrition Oh my God, I am sorry that I have sinned. Please forgive me. I want to love you and be good to everyone. Help me to make up for my sins. I will try to do better from now on and follow the way of your Son, Jesus. Amen Jesus, you suffered and died for our sins. Thank You! Mary, please be with us when we have troubles and pain. |
GAVE THANKS TO GOD, BROKE IT AND GAVE IT TO HIS APOSTLESSAYING... "THIS IS MY BODYWHICH IS GIVEN FOR YOU"Luke 22:19 Holy Communion is really Jesus,giving Himself to you. PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Dear Jesus, Thank You! You have come to me in Holy Communion And I want to please You. Use my mind to think of You, My hands to pray and work for You, My feet to run to where I am needed for You. May I love you for those who do not love You. I give You my life, my heart and my soul. Stay with me always. Amen Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on us. |
| SHE LEARNED TO WRITE AND READ AND PRAY, PLEASING GOD IN EVERY WAY. From "My Prayer Book" 1951 May is the month of our blessedMother Mary. Mary was always trying to please God, Even as a child. She was always obedient to His plans for her because she loved Him. She became the Mother of Jesus, His Son... God rewarded Mary for her lifetime of holiness and brought her to heaven with Him and made her queen of all. She loves you and prays for you. Say three Hail Mary's every day and ask Mary to protect you, to help you, And keep you from sin. (hurting Jesus) |
"Whatever you do for others, you do for me." Jesus asks us to be His disciples on earth and to help others. If we do what he asks of us, when we meet Jesus someday, He will say to us ... "Thank You" good and faithful servant, because ... "I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink. I had no clothes to wear so you donated some for Me. I was sick and you visited Me. I was lonely and you talked to Me. People made fun of Me but you were kind. No one would play with Me then you asked Me to join in. When you were good to others, you were good to Me. ..Now, come, enter into heaven to be with My Father and I" Taken from the words about the Last Judgement Matt: 24:31-40 |
Introduction | Jr. Kindergarten | Kindergarten | Grade One | Grade Three |
Grade Four | Grade Five | Grade Six | Grade Seven | Grade Eight |