District 16 Prayer Card Project
All pictures are copyrighted ©
by the artist, Sandra Van Raay
Version Français

When I was just as small as can be, God sent an angel to take care of me. Prayer: "Thank you Guardian Angel. Be with me always

Our hearts are happy, because we know, big or small, God loves us so

Mother Mary used to be, a little child just like me. She was kind and caring in every way and always took time to pray

Jesus, Mary and Joseph are called THE HOLY FAMILY. They loved one another. Prayer: "Jesus, please bless my family today

Jesus listened to His parents and was obedient to them. He grew wise and strong

Working together, Playing together, Happy together, in all kinds of weather. Prayer: "Dear Jesus, Thank you for happy times and good friends

Jesus said that we are all His little lambs. He will take care of us. Ask Him to help you when you are sad or afraid

Brown or black, short or tall, God loves His children. He made them all. "Let us love one another for love is from God"

God saw what He had made and said "It is good." Give thanks to God for all the wonderful things He has made

Thank you God for water. Thank you God for trees. Thank you God for the sunshine and warmth of gentle breeze. Thank you God for loving me

Introduction Jr. Kindergarten Grade One Grade Two Grade Three
Grade Four Grade Five Grade Six Grade Seven Grade Eight
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