[1 Peter 2] Jesus carried our sins into his own body on the cross so that we could die to sin and live in holiness; by his wounds we have been healed |
Matt.28 (38-54) Paraphrased
Two robbers were crucified with Jesus that morning, one on either side of Him and the people passing by yelled abuse at Him, shaking their heads and saying, "If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." And the chief priests and the Jewish leaders also made fun of Him...
That afternoon, the whole earth was covered with darkness for three hours, from noon until three o'clock.
Then Jesus cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Then Jesus shouted out again, gave up His Spirit and died.
The earth shook, large rocks broke apart, tombs opened up and many of the dead came out of their graves. The temple curtain split apart from top to bottom.
The soldiers were terribly frightened by the earthquake and all that happened and exclaimed, "Surely, this was God's Son."
Jesus Prayer
Jesus, Son of the Living God, Have mercy on us.